Friday, 9 September 2016

National Teddy Bear Day: Reflecting on the role of Teddy Bear as Life Coach

So, before anyone gets the wrong idea, I have to confess that I'm really not much of a cuddly toy kind of person! 
But, I have just discovered that today is National Teddy Bear Day and that got me thinking!

For many of us, teddy bears, for many of us, have such a strong association with childhood and can evoke such strong memories of earlier years; of childhood dreams and ambitions, that their National Day seems a great excuse to stop for just a moment and reflect on how those cherished dreams and ambitions have evolved.
Are you living the life you imagined all those years ago when you cuddled up to your furry friend, whispering those innocent secrets? And, if you are not - is that a good thing? Is that because you have outgrown those desires, created new ones? Or simply because, it seemed too risky, too unconventional or perhaps, even too much effort? Is there a part of you that hankers for a different way of being - busier? quieter? more challenging? less stressful? If you could cuddle up with your favourite bear right now, what secrets would you share? Would you tell your friend you are happy? fulfilled? - or would you whisper of new dreams that linger at the periphery of your mind?
For many of us, teddy bears are also incredibly powerful state changers - just the sight or touch of a soft friendly bear can instantly bring a smile to our face, or tears to our eyes. For others, perhaps, an immediate sense of resistance and discomfort! But, whether the emotions they bring are positive or negative, understanding their power to evoke such feelings empowers us, allowing us to determine whether to utilise or reject them as a resource to manage our current state; a resource to help us dream or a resource to help us heal.
So, no apologies for posting about Teddy Bears: they are very influential life coaches in their own right.

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